About Us
This website is kept up by a group of neighbors and former Common Area Land Use Committee members of the Lacamas Shores HOA. We understand the importance of the Lacamas Shores Biofilter to the health of Lacamas Lake and the need to maintain it. We preserve its history to help "protect, preserve and improve the quality and character" of:
- the water running into Lacamas Lake;
- the Lacamas Lake ecosystem;
- the Lacamas Shores common areas;
- the Lacamas Shores neighborhood and home values; and
- Lacamas Lake, for the enjoyment of the entire Camas community.
Most of this historical information was available at lacamasshoreshoa.org/calu-committee-historical.html until the LS HOA Board voted to remove it from the official HOA website at the motion and second of Richard Arnold and Dan Foster at the October 2018 board meeting. As of November 30, 2018, the Lacamas Shores HOA Membership had not been notified of this information other than by this website posting.
For more information or to help, please email us at info@LacamasShoresBiofilter.org
This website is privately-owned and kept up by neighbors living in the Lacamas Shores community. If you would like to reach the official Lacamas Shores HOA website, please go to https://www.LacamasShoresHOA.org.